
Where can solar panels be used ?

places for solar panel use
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The renewable energy section of the energy industry is by nature going through innovation and evolution. One area of innovation is the places for solar panel in Dubai use. As we assess 5 of the best developments of 2020, we can now see that those developments have progressed extraordinarily, such as floating solar with projects planned as large as ground-mounted systems (600MW). On the technology side, we have also seen different materials appear on the market, larger panels, and different structures.

In today’s blog post, we wanted to address how the orientation of structures and the tilt of a solar panel can affect a plant’s productivity and profitability. In addition, the steady decline in module prices, newer frame technologies, and panel positioning may also play a role in future plant design.


The effect of tilt and orientation of solar panels

According to experts, the places for solar panel use and the solar structure to buy are just as important as the type of solar panel used in a given situation. For solar panels to reach their maximum generating capacity, a panel must be facing the right direction and have the proper tilt based on the geographic location of solar panels and weather data. Solar panels will harness the most energy when the sun’s rays strike their surface perpendicularly during the greatest intensity of sunlight and for the longest period.

Places for solar panel use will be critical when it comes to orienting the panels, and while in the Northern Hemisphere the solar panels should be facing true south, in the Southern Hemisphere they should be facing true north.

Normally, achieving the perfect perpendicularity of the sun’s rays is the optimal orientation in the places for solar panel used to receive direct light throughout the day. However, according to the University of Calgary, depending on how the solar panels are used, it can also be beneficial to have a slight rotation. By providing the panels with this slight rotation, our system could produce more electricity in the hours that it is needed.

For example, orienting the panels slightly to the southwest, in the direction of sunset, would allow the panels to produce more power at night when people are home and use more appliances.

This rotation will cause a decrease in total production, which might make more economic sense for homeowners who might prefer to use their generated power when it might be more expensive from the grid (late afternoon before the sun goes down).

The angle or tilt of a solar panel in places for solar panel use in Dubai is also an important factor. The angle at which a solar panel should be set up to produce the most power in a given year is determined by geographic latitude. A general rule of thumb for optimal annual energy production is to set the tilt angle of the solar panel equal to the geographic latitude.

For example, if the places for solar panel use are at 50° latitude, the optimal tilt angle is also 50°. Essentially, the closer a solar panel is to the equator, the more the panel should be pointed up. The closer the module is to the poles, the more the tilt should be toward the equator. If you’re going to use solar panels in your home, it’s best to use them along with an inverter. You can get the Off Grid Solar Inverter supplier in UAE at Pas Solar PV store.


Are East-West structures the best orientation?


Considering the importance of orientation and tilt in the places for solar panel use, why are east-west oriented structures increasing?

The reason solar panels like the Longi solar panels Dubai that are positioned east-west are quickly becoming an industry trend is that these structures can accommodate more rows and panels, and therefore higher generating capacity, than their oriented cousins. To the south-north (in terms of the surface of the project, not generation capacity per module).

Considering the continuing drop in module prices like the Canadian solar panels price for instance (90% in the last decade according to IRENA), it makes sense that solar developers have started to favor production over panel costs for project profitability.

Also, while east-west solar panels may have a reduced total output (15% less according to Sheffield Solar), the value of the electricity they produce is inherently higher in most markets. This is the result of smoothing out the array’s generation curve, generating more electricity during the morning and evening hours and less during the mid-day peak when electricity is cheaper.


Large-scale Projects

As an example of a large-scale application of East-West structures, Neoen’s “Cestas” project would generate 15% less total power than a south-facing plant of the same capacity. However, in terms of LCOE [levelized cost of energy], the plant turned out to be more interesting due to the high fixed costs.


Residential Use


In the residential sector, east-west structures are also having an impact as a result of falling feed-in tariffs (FIT) and rising electricity prices.

As in other scenarios, east-west structures may make more economic sense since people typically leave home in the morning and return in the afternoon or early evening. Therefore, having photovoltaic panels that provide more electricity at these times, rather than in the middle of the day when so many properties are empty, could be very beneficial.


Commercial Use

In terms of commercial roofs, which tend to be flatter and therefore easier to design, east-west structures allow warehouses, factories, and offices to fit as many panels as possible on their roofs or any other places for solar panel use. Additionally, south-facing panels tilted at 30° need heavy concrete ballasts to prevent winds from blowing the modules over or falling off the roof (attaching the panels directly to the roof often leads to waterproofing damage). On the other hand, low-sloped and compacted panels do not require such heavy ballast, thus lightening the load on the roof and, as a result, reducing costs. JA solar panels are the best for this type of structure.



As solar module prices continue to decline, will east-west structures become more widespread as the total yield of an area exceeds traditional north-south orientations?

We must not forget that latitude, as well as fixed costs such as land, will play a crucial role when evaluating the use of east-west structures versus traditional places for solar panel use. Will this favor its use only in key strategic areas such as Northern Europe?

Another key consideration to take into account when analyzing the future deployment of this technology is network instability. This school of thought is fueled by industry experts who argue that large-scale east-west solar farms, with their flatter power curves, will help grid operators balance supply and demand.

As the industry continues to innovate, there are many possibilities available, and we are eager to see the latest innovations and trends in the market.

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