
On-grid vs off-grid solar inverter. Which one should you choose?

on grid vs off grid solar inverter
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The inverter in a solar power system is designed to transform the DC power generated by the solar panels into AC usable by your property or vehicle. Since all home appliances run on AC, it’s up to the inverter to convert all that potential energy from the sun into usable power. Tier 1 solar inverters come in the form of off-grid inverters and grid-tied inverters. Let’s take a look at the comparison of on grid vs off grid solar inverter and at the end you’ll know which is better on grid or off-grid solar inverter.


Which is better, grid tie or off-grid?

What type of inverter is best for solar?

When should I use an off-grid inverter?

What is the disadvantage of on-grid solar system?


Stay with us…

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Off-grid inverters

We’ll begin our on grid vs off grid solar inverter comparison by defining an off-grid inverter. Off-grid inverters are designed to run on their own and cannot be synchronized with the grid. They connect to the property instead of the mains and cannot work in conjunction with it.

Off-grid inverters need to supply DC to AC power instantly to power appliances. It must react quickly and above the nominal capacity of the inverter. It draws power from the battery, converts it from DC, and generates AC. Pas solar can offer you the best Off Grid Solar Inverter supplier Dubai.

In a hybrid system, you can run an off-grid inverter to connect the solar panels, then use a grid-tied inverter to run most or all of the power. This is a scenario we use in off-grid design when the solar needs to be located more than 20 m from the battery store or the power demand is large during the day when the sun rises. If you check out our solar panel suppliers in Dubai, you’d understand that this is the best way to consume energy.


On-grid Inverters

On grid solar inverter Dubai are made to connect to your home to receive electricity from the grid. That’s necessary to consider when we’re comparing on grid vs off grid solar inverter. When there is electricity to use, the system will bring it to your property. When there is not enough power to deliver, the system will revert to the mains.

Grid-tied inverters work with the electrical grid to provide power whenever possible. They have the processing intelligence to know when to deliver power and when not to deliver power, and will synchronize power delivery with the power grid.

A grid-tied inverter converts solar energy into DC, which is constantly varying, and feeds it into the electrical grid. It synchronizes its output voltage and frequency with the main power supply to which it is connected. As the power of solar power increases, so does the output, but you can do it at your leisure. There is no forced power demand or instantaneous requirement, it just passes power as and when it can.


The differences in on grid vs off grid solar inverter


Your access to electricity in on grid vs off grid solar inverter

Access to off-grid solar-powered electricity

With an off-grid solar inverter, you are completely dependent on the sun and the energy stored in batteries to power your home or business.

With an off-grid inverter, you won’t have access to extra electricity if you need it. What you’re generating and what you have stored in your battery is all there is to run your appliances.


Access to grid-connected solar electricity

If you decide to install a grid-tied solar inverter, you’ll always have access to electricity (unless the grid goes down), whether or not your solar system is producing or has batteries.

If your system does not produce electricity or does not produce enough electricity to power the devices, lights, and machines that you use, you can get power from the national grid to make up for it. This guarantees that you always have sufficient electricity for what you need.


What happens to excess production in on grid vs off grid solar inverter

Excess production with off-grid inverters

Depending on the dimensions of the inverter you install, how much electricity you consume, and when you use that electricity, there may be instances when your system is producing more electricity than it is using. What happens to this excess power depends on the inverter you install.

Most off-grid solar inverters are designed to produce a certain amount of “extra” electricity during the day, which is sent to batteries for storage. The energy held in those batteries can be accessed when the system is not generating power, such as at night or when it is cloudy.


Overproduction with On-Grid Solar inverter

Like off-grid solar inverters, many who choose to install a grid-tied solar inverter want to cover 100% or nearly 100% of their energy usage. This can also be achieved with grid-connected inverters.

Depending on what time of day you use electricity, your on and off grid inverter may produce excess power. Instead of sending it to the batteries as you would with an off-grid inverter, you can send it to the grid, and you’ll be compensated for that electricity.

Power outages with on grid vs off grid solar inverter


Power outages with off-grid inverters

Your solar inverter works independently of the electrical grid. If there is a severe storm or event that knocks out power, your solar inverter can continue to function. You won’t notice any changes to your service or access to electricity.

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Power outages with grid-connected inverters

By becoming connected to the public grid, you will have access to electricity anytime you need it. However, you are also subject to some rules. If you have an on-grid solar inverter and the grid fails, you won’t have electricity, unless you go for a grid-tied solar system with battery backup.

In this article, we tried to map out the differences of solar inverter on grid vs off grid. There is no right and wrong when it comes to the ongrid and off grid inverter. You just need to know what’s right for you. So, if you’re not sure how to choose between on grid and off grid solar inverter, contact our solar equipment shop, and we’ll help you decide.

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